Should I jump?
Published by Shane under music on 9:16 PMMy fingers are freezing, with my cough getting terribly annoying. I have started coughing the minute I stepped into my cubicle, lost my appetite of having my routine-8 breakfast with my peers, skipping lunch as well. I bet those sitting nearby, especially folks who had meetings on the phone might have cursed me. (or maybe they would pray for me?)
Sometimes even by sitting here doesn't mean that I have NOTHING to do, you know? This is for those who always dropped by to say "Hello" and "You look so free?!". I felt real irritated for a week or so, and soon I lost my patience and adamancy to even be bothered. I hate to hate people, it consumes some energy. I have had enough today, receiving some tasks and to be completed by end of today, by just SITTING here. I wanna get out from here, I hear myself yelling.
So I am alone at my cubicle as cold as a malfunction fridge. Just hope someone could rescue me. Kelly Clarkson maybe?

I can tell,
How much you hate this.
Deep down inside,
You know its killing me.
I can call, wish you well,
And try to change this.
But nothing I can say,
Would change anything.
Where were my senses?
I left them all behind.
Why did I turn away?
I wish I could save you.
I wish I could say to you,
Im not going nowhere.
I wish I could say to you,
Its gonna be alright.
I didnt mean,
Didnt mean,
To leave you stranded.
Went away cause I,
Didnt want to face the truth.
Reaching out,
Reach for me,
Empty handed.
You dont know if I care.
Youre trying to find the proof.
There were times Id wonder,
Could I have eased your pain?
Why did I turn away?
We can pretend nothings changed.
Pretend its all the same.
And there will be no pain,
Its gonna be alright.
Save you - Kelly C.
i remember someone said that: "the one that can save u is only urself"
dont wait for other ppl to rescue u
just jump, NOT FROM the roof top, but IS TO the roof top
still cranky now? =)
just feeling helpless sometimes.
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