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Published by Shane under on 6:45 AM
我想我是个很容易陷得很深的人,很容易投入,很容易自残的人,或许这应该是我的主题曲-情难自禁我是其实属于极度容易受伤的女人。 废话连篇。


看了三本英文书,看到右眼现在染上眼红症,我不知道眼红症是否和劳累有关系。现在我的头还有点痛,因为第三本Change of Heart还没有看完,虽然故事很精彩,但是因为我自己英文水准有待改善,一天300面算是不错了,别见怪,我是有点没有大志的了。

看了Pursuit of Happiness,觉得发掘自己的梦已经不远了,好像它正在向我招手。事关上个星期就已经在online volunteering签了两个义工合约,一个是帮助非洲一个穷苦地区(穷苦到我自己都不知道有这个地方存在)撰写关于该地区的一些人权、粮食短缺、艾滋病毒肆虐问题的有关文稿,希望有助于提升外界对这地方的居民有所注意和可以给予帮助;另外一单生意是帮助加纳地区的那些穷苦学生找电脑和文具的赞助商。后者已经有人联络上我了,希望我可以尽快为他们提供援助。其实前者是我比较重视和希望有机会被录取的,但自己有多少斤两自己知,写英文的稿子,可能还是难于胜任。为什么我觉得当义工是我所谓的梦?因为上个星期连续2天晚上我都梦见自己在那荒凉的非洲土地上,只是没看见我被犀牛和长颈鹿追而已。然后接下来我又读了The Alchemist这本书,关于梦想,和怎么知道预言的真实。一切的一切,好像命中注定,英文译为The Written,Islam又称Maktub。不要以为我进了回教,别傻了,只是从书里头学来的(书中自有黄金屋)。



Read to me

Published by Shane under on 6:28 AM
This, is heavy. It's enough to make your heart sink.
It was about a human's greatest fear and shame.
I'm afraid of not being there, what about you?
Hanna Schmitz was shameful of her illiteracy.
Keeping the truth to herself, and Michael, sent her to prison for life.
What do you think was in Michael's mind, when Hanna turned and looked him in the eyes, when the sentence was completed?
The voices, both from young Michael (David Kross) and Michael who had then 'haunted' by Hanna for the rest of his life (Ralph Fiennes), is the soul of the movie. Hanna might have been always loves being read to, finally learned how to read, and it was the end - when the fear is no more, the life was concluded.
It doesn't matter what I think. It doesn't matter what I feel. The dead are still dead.

You didn't come for the beach.

Published by Shane under on 6:34 AM
I could still remember the way you came into my life. With tears in my eyes, I turned and saw you approaching. Our eyes met. That instance changed the rest of my life. Both of us had gone through a lot, maybe that's what made us meet. Maybe, this is destiny; Maybe that's the favor from the hurricane.
Wrinkles are showing up and my hands got shaky holding that little box I had for you. Yet, after so many years, I still could smell you in the blue room, your medical book lying on the desk, the photo you took with your son, and the touch that had put everything together. From the night everything started, you lived in me.
I never thought that I had anymore to give, pushing me so far, here I am without you.

